About Pig

About Pig
Photo by Frances Gunn / Unsplashe

Hi Internet Stranger! Nice to meet you. 🤝

So you're probably wondering about the name. But first, here are ten random factoids about me.

  • I’m a writer with a full-time day job to pay the bills. 
  • In my spare time, I like to play the piano to help me relax.
  • Three times a week, I’m at the gym doing freestyle wrestling. I’m slow and awkward and have the wrestling equivalent of two left feet… but I love it to death.
  • It took me a long time to find my love of sport because I fear rejection.
  • Years ago, I forced myself to stop wearing clothes around the house to feel more comfortable in my skin. Sometimes when I’m naked, I forget to feel uncomfortable.
  • Something magical happened in 1996. I met the man of my dreams at just the right time. In fact, we met each other at the right time. He helps me in ways that I don’t have the words for. We make a good team.
  • I eat too much ice-cream even though dairy doesn’t agree with me.
  • When COVID closed all the restaurants, I discovered the joy of cooking.
  • All my mental health issues originate from my childhood. Sometimes, I can’t tell the difference between me and my mental health issues.
  • I live in Canberra, Australia with my adorable husband, Brett De Bratt (brettdebratt.com)

So, there you have it. I’m a middle-aged gay nudist writer who likes to wrestle, play piano, and is married to the man of his dreams. Oh, I also have mental health issues. 

Back to the name.

Years ago, I had a neighbour who had a pig called Elvis. Elvis was a working pig in charge of eating the blackberry bushes who'd invaded half the available farmland.

Every day, on seeing me arrive home from work, Elvis come running (trotting?) up to me. He'd throw himself onto his back, giggling, grunting, and squirming with excitement. It was something that we looked forward to every day.

Every day, I would reach down and give Elvis the biggest baddest belly-rub you could imagine. We both loved it.

This scene was adorable when Elvis was a wee piglet. And became ever more heart warming as Elvis matured into a fully grown hog. My nickname has been Pig ever since.

Feel free to drop me a message on Telegram. 😊